◆ Using breakdown modes on group comparisons
Keshif's breakdown modes let you change how a dashboard computes and displays trends on an aggregate (grouped) level.
Specifically, Keshif features absolute mode to compute and compare raw data values, and three percentage-modes to compute and compare proportional values.
These breakdown modes are applied on the quantifying measurement values on the
aggregations, and they are dependent on the data selections, such as comparisons.
Absolute breakdown mode
- Computes and visualizes the absolute (raw-valued) numbers.
Percentage based modes
When you want to analyze your data in percentages, you need to specify out of which data group, among three possible options:
%-of-Compared breakdown mode
- This mode computes percentages out of records in compared selections.
%-of-Groups breakdown mode
- This mode computes the percentages out of records in each group (aggregate) in charts.
%-of-Total breakdown mode
- This mode computes percentages out of total data (if data is filtered, out of the filtered part of the data).
- Percentage-based breakdown modes cannot be used with the average measure function or sum measure function with negative totals. See measuring aggregates for more information.
Changing breakdown mode
- Learn how to set the active breakdown mode.
Special Features
- The data-rich pop-ups and chart axis labels are automatically updated to show the
breakdown setting of the analysis. They also help to understand how the data is computed
and presented.
- If using a percentage-based mode without comparison selections, Keshif shows percentages out-of-total by default for the active data selection.