Saving, Sharing, and Managing Dashboards

Keshif allows you to easily create and share rich interactive dashboards! 

What's a dashboard? A Keshif dashboard is simply your data presented in a visual, interactive space. It includes what you see on your screen: all the charts you created, settings, and active filters and selections.

What's the difference between a dataset and dashboard? A dataset is the data (table) that you import. A dashboard is a specific view of this data. Each dashboard has a link like[Account]/[Dataset]/[Dashboard] . A dataset can have multiple dashboards, even from different people. 

Datasets on your profile. Your Keshif profile will list the datasets you imported. You can continue your exploration from last auto-saved dashboard for each dataset. Other visitors of your profile will see the datasets they have access to, and the dashboards you decided to make visible.

Your default public dashboard. You can set (star) your favorite dashboard as the default public for the dataset. This dashboard can be loaded and shared with a shorter dataset link, without including specific dashboard name :[Account]/[Dataset].

Your auto-saved dashboards. Keshif auto-saves your current dashboard/work, so you can easily resume your data exploration from where you left off last time. This way, you don't need to worry about saving your progress. The auto-saved dashboard is private so you can explore data without making your work visible. Your auto-saved work is available at [Dataset]/~~ character at the ends shows that this dashboard link is your personal auto-save.

Overview of the Dashboard Panel

Dashboard panel shows all bookmarks, including bookmarks by others. For each dashboard, you can see who created it, when, their notes and dashboard features. This allows you to collaborate on same dataset with different views. You can also share the dashboards with one-click.

Saving Dashboards

To save a dashboard, just open the dashboard panel, enter a short descriptive title, add your notes, and click save. Each dashboard gets its unique link that you can use to load and share dashboard. See the short demo clip below.

Sharing Dashboards & Privacy

You can save a dashboard as " private" to keep a personal and private copy, or (by default) as "visible" for sharing it with others. When you save a visible dashboard:

  • If the dataset is public, then the dashboard will be visible by the public.
  • If the dataset is private, the dashboard will be visible to Keshif accounts who have read-access to the underlying dataset.

Updating a dashboard

If you want to update a dashboard you previously saved (because you have an even better view into your data) while you maintain the same link & title, click the refresh button, and confirm the update.

Setting A Starred (Default) Shared Dashboard

You can control the starred dashboard of your dataset by starring one of the visible dashboards in the dashboards panel.

Deleting a dashboard

Just click the trash icon. Don't worry, you can re-create the dashboard again quickly later!