Embedding Dashboards
You can embed Keshif dashboards in other websites using our embed codes or an embed service provider.
To embed a dashboard with code:
- Save a new public dashboard, or choose an existing public dashboard,
- Click the </> icon,
- Copy and paste the html code to the page you want the embed.
To embed a dashboard to a third party platform:
- Simply insert a Keshif dashboard URL into the external site (such as a blog post in Medium page). An embedded dashboard frame will be created automatically!
This feature uses the oEmbed standard. If a platform supports this standard (such as embed.ly or data.world), you don't need to copy and paste the html embed code. The dashboard URL will directly converts to an embedded interactive content, without any other step.
To be able to embed a specific dashboard:
- The dataset needs to be public.
- The dashboard needs to be public.
- The dashboard owner needs to be on Magellan plan. Dashboards created with Piri-Reis plan cannot be embedded.
Using Embedded Dashboards
Embedded dashboards are viewed as public. So, even if you are logged into our platform, you'll view an embedded dashboard as a public/anonymous visitor.
Embedded dashboards support exploration within
the dashboard, but do not support authoring capabilities (such as adding or removing
To get the full experience (to create new dashboards and adjust detailed settings), open the dashboard in the Keshif platform directly using "View in Full" link on upper right corner of the dashboard