◆ Using record scatter plots

A scatter-plot helps to reveal trends between two numeric attributes, or more when adding attributes to change point size and color. Each data record becomes a point (dot) positioned by the values of the two desired numeric attributes. The point appears on a higher position on the left, or vertical, axis as the attribute gets larger. Likewise, a higher value of the attribute for the bottom, or horizontal, axis moves the record point further right.

Watch below for a quick demo of a range of visual analysis features with scatter plots.

Creating a record scatter plot

Learn how to quickly add a scatter plot chart into the dashboard.

Adjusting scatter plot visualizations

A scatter plot uses point location, color, and size to visualize each record based on up to four data features.

These options enrich visual analytics capabilities in a scatterplot, beyond its core 2-axes / 2-attributes visualization characteristics.

Learn how to change key visualization settings of a scatter plot below.

Navigating Scatter Plots

Panning and zooming allows you to see the bigger picture, or the smaller details.

Using Time-Series Data

Learn about analysis of data over time, selecting specific time points, and more.