◆ Using record time-series charts

Record time-series charts are the best way to visualize time-series trends in your dataset. These charts visualize each record as a line, where the line path is based on the values of the record over time.

You can highlight, filter, and compare data across multiple selections (such as countries by region). Keshif also allows you to change the type of charts with a single click, and get rich pop-ups when hovering over the records.

Watch below for a quick demo of a range of visual analysis features with time-series charts.

Creating a record time-series chart

Learn how to quickly add a time-series chart into the dashboard.

Adjusting Time-Series Visualizations

In time-series visualizations, the time-range, axis options, coloring (by groups), and mouse-selection modes can be adjusted easily.

Selecting time-series plot type

  • The time-series chart offers three main plot types. Each plot type offers a unique perspective on changes in the data over time.

Changing value axis scale in a time-series plot: Linear, Log

  • The scale type of the value axis of a time-series chart can be adjusted to better fit the distribution of the analyzed data.

Focusing on a time-range in a time-series chart

  • Controlling the time-range is one of the key configurations for analyzing data with a time-series chart.

Creating a slope chart

  • Slope charts show changes in data from one selected time to another, removing all other data in-between for a simplified view of data.

Fitting filtered data on a time-series chart

  • Control the extent of your data, from filtered to the full dataset.

Visualizing record groups by color in a time-series chart

  • By comparing record groups, you can assign colors to each record line to visualize how each record belongs within the groups.

Adjusting Time-Series Chart Interaction

Using mouse modes in a time-series chart

  • Mouse-over interaction is important to provide additional information in your analysis.

Animating Trends over Time

Animate your time-series charts over time to tell a more engaging story with your data.

Complete visual analysis of time-series data

Time-series data can also be analyzed over record lists, maps, and scatter plots.